Crossroads 2024 – THE B2B PAYMENTS CONFERENCE | October 2-4 →

B2B Buyers Report: Manufacturing

More Payment Options = More Purchases

For today’s B2B manufacturers, the payment’s experience is a significant factor in the B2B buying decision with alternative payment terms being a differentiator for customers. 

Trade credit programs are commonly used in the B2B manufacturing industry to offer customers flexible payment options and improve cash flow. 

According to a survey by the UK’s National Association of Credit Management, 65% of B2B companies offer some form of in-house credit program to their customers. It encourages additional spending, repeat visits and increased customer loyalty. 

But it’s not just longer payment terms the customers want – it’s a well-managed trade credit program. Many B2B manufacturers have discovered the benefits of using an outsourced trade credit solution to eliminate the pain points in the B2B buying process. 

Dive into this report and learn how other enterprises are eliminating payment complexity with frictionless Accounts Receivables for their business, as well as Accounts Payable for their clients using TreviPay.

Get the Data Latest Report

The Data Is In: B2B Buyers Expect a Better Payments Experience is a comprehensive report, where we take a deeper dive into many topics, including: 

  • Top 3 Barriers to New Buyer Onboarding 
  • The Business Consequences of Inefficient Payments 
  • B2B Buyers’ Most Important Seller Features 
  • Top 7 Drivers of B2B Buyer Loyalty 
  • The Perfected B2B Payments Experience 

Download the Report

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