Crossroads 2024 – THE B2B PAYMENTS CONFERENCE | October 2-4 →

OEMs: Growing Sales by 42x & Loyalty with Automated Payment Tech 

OEMs—especially in the commercial and fleet industry—must maintain complex supplier relationships with their dealer networks to earn loyalty from fleets. To keep fleets loyal, suppliers must provide tangible, replicable and memorable service experiences across vast dealer networks.  

This requires tight alignment to deliver perks such as automated invoicing and consolidated monthly billing. These benefits help fleets enjoy more predictable cash flow and lock in not-to-exceed pricing—table stakes in the aftermarket parts game. 

Read our new eBook to learn how TreviPay can help your OEM best serve your fleet customers by connecting dealer networks to your parts program. In this eBook you will learn: 

  • How to solve complex payment requirements 
  • The value of consolidated billing
  • Tips for global expansion

Download the Report

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