Crossroads 2024 – THE B2B PAYMENTS CONFERENCE | October 2-4 →

Brandon Spear in the Fintech Times

Brandon Spear, TreviPay CEO, in the Fintech Times

In this article, TreviPay CEO, Brandon Spear answers the question “What are the benefits for merchants in adopting embedded finance solutions within their e-commerce checkout?

Spear’s response reads, “Buyer-seller loyalty hinges on a better payments experience, which is especially important in the B2B space. Merchants who can deliver a convenient and customisable payments experience can help drive loyalty to grow average order values.

“A recent study conducted by our team unveiled flexibility with payment options is so important that 78 per cent claim it is necessary for merchants to offer invoicing, and 51 per cent would switch to a different merchant if it offers flexible net terms.

“When it comes to embedded payment options (a subset of the embedded finance process) within e-commerce checkouts, the value comes from the convenience of seamless transactions. Anything merchants can do to reduce cart abandonment helps their bottom line and improves customer satisfaction.”

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