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Facilitating B2B eCommerce, Payments, and Credit as a Service

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Many businesses need to process transactions across borders, between large companies, and beyond. But how can it all run efficiently? How does the B2B eCommerce space differ from B2C eCommerce?

Our podcast guest on this episode will answer these questions and more. Brandon Spear is the president of TreviPay. TreviPay is a global B2B payment and credit solutions provider that specializes in commercial transaction management, facilitating transactions for customers in over 190 countries with 40 years of experience.

Listen in as we cover payments from a global B2B perspective!

Payments & Fintech Insights In This Episode:

– What TreviPay learned from their B2B buyers survey about the challenges B2B buyers face on a global level.

– What TreviPay® (TreviPay) is and how TreviPay offers it to help businesses transact globally.

– What the #1 difference between B2C eCommerce and B2B eCommerce is.

– Brandon’s thoughts on the present and future of payments and fintech – specifically through a B2B lens.

– and more!

Listen to the full podcast here.

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